Category: DIY Top 10

Top 10 Cheap DIY Gifts

Hey guys! I figured since my blog is all about DIYs, what better to have then a top 10 list of my favorite DIY gifts? I have compiled a list of some of the best DIY gifts to make for a birthday, anniversary, or holiday, and there’s a little bit for everyone in here. I know some of you out there have crafted the art of last-minute gifting, but for those of you who haven’t, and even for those of you who have, here’s some help

# 10: Decorated letter

DIYtop10 Found on

I found this on It is the perfect gift for a family member or friend who you have taken a multitude of pictures with. The letter, paint and mod podge can be purchased at Michaels. Completing the process is extremely simple. First, you stick your images in place on the surface, then you take mod podge and with a brush or sponge material, brush mod podge all over the pictures (which should be printed on paper). After you have completed these steps and let it dry, you have an adorable gift to give someone special to remind them of all the memories you’ve shared.

# 9: “Box of Sunshine”

             Diytop10                  Box of Sunshine 2

This is exactly what it looks like. A box of sunshine! What better gift to give to a friend who is feeling down and in need of sunshine in a box (so they can eat most of it). I found this idea and the first image on, which is an amazing place to find almost anything. Literally. The second image shown was found on The procedure for this idea is simple: Take anything yellow and happy and place it into a box that you either decorate or you can leave it plain. I like this idea so much because not only is it cheap but it is also very meaningful. Basically, choose what you want to be in the box, as long as it is covered in yellow, and show someone that you care. I don’t know anyone who would not want this when they are feeling down.

# 8: T-shirt Blanket

I got this awesome idea from This would be great for a boyfriend, girlfriend, son, daughter, or anyone you know who would appreciate a cool blanket to keep them warm or to put on display. What caught my eye about this idea is that the entire blanket is made of t-shirts! It doesn’t get any cheaper or more simple than that: Take a bunch of old t-shirts and sew them all together and make someone very happy. I love how attractive this looks along with the fact that it requires no money (unless you chose to buy all of the t-shirts).

# 7: Candy Sleigh


This idea came from I chose this for my top 10 because it brings creativity to the old Christmas spirit. Giving candy in a boring pile isn’t as fun as giving an entire sleigh made of candy. I think any kid would love to get this for Christmas in a stalking.

# 6: Jack Daniel’s Soap Dispenser


This is one of my ultimate favorite of all my top 10 ideas. Reusing can be very beneficial especially if it means you can have a cool-looking bathroom sink. I found this idea on In order to create this, you simply replace the top of an old (or newly finished-off) Jack Daniel’s whiskey bottle with the cap to a soap or lotion dispenser and be the envy of the crowd. And of course, you would fill your bottle with the hand soap of your choice. I like this idea because it is a cheap, environment-friendly way to obtain or maintain good taste in home décor.

# 5: Flowered Letter


I found this idea on I think it is a cute gift for a mother or grandmother to get on mothers day. It is an easy way to achieve a beautiful gift that I think any mother would appreciate. It’s also simple and can be done in a few hours if you do it correctly, (which is always good when you’re a busy person like myself who sometimes does things at the last minute). I would recommend this idea to anyone looking for a gift for their mother or grandma.

# 4: “Floating” Memories


Speaking of birthdays, my next idea is the perfect way to surprise any friend or partner on their birthday or an anniversary. I found this idea on This made it into the top 4 because it is creative, cheap, and a great way to show someone you care. I can personally say, if anyone ever did this for me, I would faint with joy (depending on what they had on the pictures). You basically fill the balloons with helium to make them float (obviously), attach them to strings, then attach the photo of your choice to each balloon string. This is simple, easy and fun.

# 3: Silhouette


This makes the perfect gift for a mother. I found this idea on If you are willing to commit to the process of completing this project, it would be well worth doing. You can retrieve your facial silhouette by having someone take a picture of you from the side-angle and printing out the image. Once the image is printed, cut out the silhouette of your head to place on the wood. Once it is placed on the wood (taped down ideally), you can trace around your paper silhouette and then you’re ready to paint it as shown in the image. Once you are finished painting, you’re good to go!

# 2: Mason Jar Bathroom Décor

Diytop10 Foundon

This idea made the top 2 on my list because it is not only creative, but it is also very useful and pleasing to the eye. Also, ANYONE with a bathroom can use one of these. You can place makeup brushes, your glasses, cotton balls and even your tooth brush and tooth paste inside of these cleverly crafted mason jars. I found this idea on as well. It makes for a great gift to a friend or loved one.

# 1: Play-Kitchen

       DIner1     Diner2


And finally, my number one! I chose this idea as my absolute favorite of all my selections because it is the most creative way to reuse something I have ever seen. I found this idea on Pinterest from It is literally just as it looks: a TV stand transformed into a play-kitchen for a child. Now, if you do not have any children this would still make the perfect gift for a little cousin or nephew, or just to give out as an idea to someone who has children. The process is as follows:


Add doors (if necessary).

Decorate. (Add curtains, a “stove” or “sink”, and hang a picture).

Now, your child can be in the middle of the action with their own kitchen. Clearly, this is a task that is more convenient to those who have old TV stands, but, if you like this idea enough, you may just be inspired to buy a TV stand and create the play kitchen anyway. I hope you guys enjoyed my post, be on the lookout for my next one!

Bye! ❤