Useful DIY

Hey guys,

So I found an awesome DIY on Pinterest that so many people could use in front of their house. Lost house keys are far too common, why not have a spare available that can be safely concealed outside of your home? I love this idea so much, so, I figured I would share this DIY with you all. I hope you try it!

Here are the materials you will need:

Glue (strong glue)

An empty pill bottle

A rock with a flat edge or bottom



Step 1: Glue the cap of your pill bottle to your designated rock.

Screenshot (78)


Step 2: Place your spare key into the bottle and close the lid tightly. And there you have it!

Screenshot (79)


Here is the finished product:

Screenshot (80)


I think this is a really great way to save money and time. Thanks for tuning in, look out for my next post!


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